Upcoming Events:

CLICK HERE for more information about the events listed below!


October 22nd - CAC Craft Fair


Pike Mobile Food Pantry: A partnership of CAC and Pike County Outreach

 Starting April 12th the mobile food pantry will be at the following locations.

CLICK HERE for more information

Save The Dream Ohio

For more information, call 740-289-2375

The Social Services Housing Programs are pleased to announce the arrival of new funds available for rent, mortgage, and utility assistance for Pike County residents.

CAC of Pike County has received a CARES grant from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV). With the CDBG-CV Grant, we can help with rent, mortgage, or water/sewer/heating utilities.

CAC of Pike County has also received the Consolidated Appropriations Act Home Relief Grant (CAA-HRG). With the CAA-HRG, for RENTERS ONLY, we are able to assist with rent, rental deposits, and utilities with statements showing the account is past due, scheduled for disconnect, or already disconnected. We cannot assist with utility deposits through this program. Utilities included in this grant for RENTERS only (homeowners or those with mortgage are not eligible) include water, sewer, electric, natural gas, bulk fuels (wood, propane, fuel oil, and coal), and trash bills.

**Housing applications can be picked up at the pick-up/drop-off boxes located near the front doors at CAC of Pike County at 941 Market Street, Piketon, Ohio 45661.

 The Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development

David V. Stivison Appalachian Community Action

Scholarship Fund

The mission of the Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) David V. Stivison Appalachian Community Action Scholarship Fund is to provide financial assistance to students who:

1. Are residents of COAD's service area

2. Want to attend institutions of higher education

3. Lack the required resources to do so

For more information CLICK HERE


Please visit the following link regarding the Coronavirus.


ODH Hotline: 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)

The Ohio Department of Health call center to answer questions regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) is open 7 days a week
from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Community Action is taking all precautions to keep our customers and employees safe. If you have any concerns about an upcoming appointment, please call us directly.

Please visit the “CAC Closures” page to determine if changes have been made to any of our services or location hours.


The Pike County Senior Center has temporarily suspended all activities and events at the Senior Center, including Friday Night Dance. Home-Delivered meal services will continue and Congregate meals will be available for pickup. Please contact the Senior Center staff with any questions at 740-947-5555.

Community Resources

Our agency may not be able to help everyone with their specific needs. But we definitely have a long list of resources available within our community that we can work with to assist you.
Please click the link below for a description and contact information regarding these resources.

All web pages on this site are updated frequently but may not guarantee validated up to date information. Please contact us directly if you have questions about any of our programs or services.

The Community Action Committee of Pike County is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Equal Provider of Services without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, political affiliation, ancestry, disability, or religious beliefs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. This organization has been providing services to Pike County residents since 1964.

Copyright © 2021 by CAC of Pike County, Ohio. All rights reserved. The reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by the 1976 United States Copyright Act, as amended, without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.